Friday, March 20, 2009

What's Mine Is...Nick's?

I consider myself a pretty good sharer. There have been times when I have been called selfish (eating all of the corner pieces of a Harris pizza before technically reaching the corners) is the example that comes to mind. Nick and I are great at sharing money, razors, and our undying love...Trying to make healthier choices we purchased organic sodas(eight of them to be exact). I drank one the first day and a few days later decided I wanted another. Nick grabbed one out of the fridge and I went to grab one as well. Nick informs me at this moment that they are gone. At first I didn't believe him. He has been known to tell me things like this, make me angry, and then pull whatever it was that was "gone" out from the place he hid it. I figured this time was no different. To my astonishment, he wasn't kidding. He had drank all 7 sodas!! I felt so cheated! The audacity! The only pleasure I got out of this was the opportunity to call Nick selfish for once. However, I don't think it made a difference. He got to enjoy every last drop.

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