Nick and I decided to stick with a wedding diet dinner last night and visit our favorite Sushi restaurant Fuji Sushi. We ordered 3 rolls and were thrilled when we received a free roll. The sushi was delicious as usual and in the spirit of getting outside the box once and a while we decided to order a few pieces of Octopus sashimi. (The sucky disks intrigued me). Nick went first and said it did not have much flavor and that it was just "alright". I went next. I didn't like it at all it didn't have much flavor, and was as muscly as one would think a tentacle would be. The worst part is that unknown to us at the time...octopus skin is covered with the skin of a velociraptor. Yes I liked a dinosaur! It even came complete with a tiddler (hangy piece of skin that came to a point). I dared Nick to stroke it from the end to the tiddler. He took that dare, and dared me to Lick it the same way...not being one to pass up a dare I did it...and it was so horrible it made me shiver. I will not be trying it again anytime soon. I do feel some satisfaction knowing it isn't everyday that the opportunity comes along to lick a dinosaurs back.
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